Cepheid C360 is a secure, hosted platform that collects and aggregates real-time disease and system surveillance information from any GeneXpert System.
Cepheid C360 securely collects and aggregates, in dashboard format, real-time information from any GeneXpert System to enhance productivity and system performance.
Cepheid C360 is a secure, hosted platform that collects and aggregates real-time disease and system surveillance information from any GeneXpertSystem.
CepheidC360 securely collects and aggregates, in dashboard format, real-time information from any GeneXpertSystem to enhance productivity and performance.
CepheidC360 Security The Cepheid C360 security strategy can be classified into four key areas:
Encryption: Advanced encryption methods secure data transfer and storage.
Physical Security & Vigilance: Stable and proven platform that addresses stringent data privacy and compliance certification standards.
Control & Access: Data sharing and visibility controlled by you — via appropriate authentication and user access authorization credentials.
Segregation: Multi-tenant database storage securely segregates your data.
Simple Installation Requirements:
Internet Access following user’s IT security policy, with URL access to https://c360.cepheid.com